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Your Ultimate Travel Guide to Sustainable Travel, Hidden Gems & Nomadic Adventures

The Road Less Written

Your Ultimate Travel Guide to Sustainable Travel, Hidden Gems & Adventure

Nathan & Tiff - The Road Less Written


We’re Nathan and Tiff

Your sustainable travel and adventure guides! We are here to show you the road less traveled and give you great ideas for your next adventure. If it’s a great road trip, hiking, snorkeling or even finding the best bookstores, we are here to help.

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What’s coming up for us?


Hiking up a Storm

It’s summer in Aotearoa and we are making the most of the good weather when we get it! We have a heap of hikes and natural sites we want to tick off our list before we wrap up vanlife in New Zealand this year. Starting in the Fiordland National Park, we will be doing day hikes to our hearts’ content.


West Coast

We are hoping to spend some quality time on the west coast. We want to drive as far as the roads will allow us! Jackson bay all the way up to Karamea here we come. If we can get our hands on a 4WD, then we might even go a little further.


Kaikoura & Beyond

One of our big ticket tours we just HAVE to do is to swim with dolphins in Kaikoura. After that, we’ll continue the journey up the east coast to Picton and explore around here a little more before catching the ferry to the North island.

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